Stable Linux with Apache
Linux & Apache have existed together for a long time now and are one of the most well-liked server setups. Read why.
Linux is a well known Operating System, which is frequently used for web servers, due to the fact it has a number of advantages over other OSs. It's considered to be the most solid OS nowadays and owing to the way it operates, corrupted files shall simply not work. Because Linux is absolutely free to use, no license fees shall be included to the price you will have to pay for your hosting service. This, subsequently, allows for the provider to personalize the OS depending on what they and their customers require, removing unwanted packages to enhance the OS and the server’s functionality. Linux servers usually come with the Apache web server software, which processes site access requests. Apache is also absolutely free and easy to customize, not to mention that it's really fast and light in terms of the system resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which a number of the most widely used script apps require – Joomla™, WordPress, Moodle, etcetera. The LAMP configuration is the most traditionally used one globally, due to the fact that it's stable as well as simple to take care of.
Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Website Hosting
cloud website hosting accounts which we offer are created on our cutting-edge personalized cloud website hosting platform. Independent groups of web servers are used to take care of each and every part of the web hosting service, including e-mails, databases etc. Our web servers run Linux. The latter has been personalized as a way to make sure that we can provide you with a stable hosting service without wasting system resources. Furthermore we use the highly effective Apache web server and we even have an entire cluster for it, so that all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites shall be handled without any delay. You'll be able to use a number of languages for your Internet sites – HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl, and many others., and you will not have to worry about security or reliability problems at any time.
Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting
semi-dedicated hosting accounts that we offer you are set up on a revolutionary platform in which the files, the databases, the statistics, the Control Panel, etc., are addressed by individual groups of servers. The use of this customized architecture is possible because we've set up a highly customized Linux distribution on the web servers and we can make use of all the positive aspects that the Operating System is providing, for example the possibility to use in-house built software solutions such as our Hepsia Control Panel. The result is a very potent and reliable web hosting service which will ensure high-end overall performance for your websites. For even greater efficiency, we've chosen to use Apache, because it supports a considerable amount of modules and it may be adjusted in accordance with our needs also. You will be able to use virtually any well-known scripting language with our custom software and hardware setup, and enjoy a quick, uninterrupted hosting service.